Michael is an experienced professional in organisational consulting and development in the financial and capital market and offers a comprehensive and profound knowledge in corporate, financial and portfolio management, as well as many years of experience in project and IT management.
In his roles, he assumes overall responsibility for the success of the fields of activity or the respective transformation, as well as integration into the strategic and financial management level of the company and ensuring that the regulatory and risk-adjusted requirements of the company’s internal boards and external supervisory authorities are met.
“I enjoy working with a wide variety of people to bring complex issues forward. I measure the achievement of the implementation goals not only by the technical things, but above all by the satisfaction of the implementers and the other employees of the company. In doing so, I am always accompanied by my guiding principle >>The simple is not always the best, but the best is always simple (Heinrich von Tessenow)<<, which stands not only for quality in architecture, but also for the maturity of processes and the quality of software in companies.”